Pieces of Me

Everyone thinks of changing the world, yet no one thinks of changing himself. - Leo Tolstoy (what have you done today?)

Friday, June 15, 2007

Life is beautiful

The little gamer in me has turned me into an Animal Crossing: Wild World fan. In this Nintendo DS game there is a feature where the player can purchase paper and mail letters to the npc's with the chance that another player could someday read (should the player use the wireless features). When composing my letters I try to think of something that would inspire, encourage, or just make the reader think.
During one of my recent attempts I found myself at a loss and thought, "Why don't I just leave this blank?" and then it hit me: Life is a blank page.
I typed "Life is a blank page so go ahead and write your story" in hopes to stir something in some stranger. This got me thinking...and I don't write as much as I used to, both how what's going on and that stories and dreams that I come to me.
While still thinking about this I opened up another paper (the uber pretty Sparkly paper) an thought (and typed) "Life is beautiful so make sure to remember every moment."
Soooo, I'm going to do that through my writing; I am going to take better care of recording the moments...though not all may be posted but still.


Blogger Kar said...

I used to write more (story-stuff, I mean). Good idea. :) Maybe I will write a little more, too.

Whoever finds your "blank page" message will like that, I bet.

Sunday, August 12, 2007 11:07:00 AM  

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